According to WorkSafeBC, activities on road construction sites in British Columbia increase significantly during the spring and summer months. This is also the time that puts road construction workers at increased workplace injury risks. Along with the typical dangers posed by the equipment these workers use in the course of their work, they are further threatened by traffic moving through the work zone.
WorkSafeBC is running the Cone Zone campaign from May through August. This campaign endeavours to raise awareness and emphasize the need to prevent construction zone accidents to ensure that every worker goes home safely at the end of each shift. WorkSafeBC reminds people that it is not only road workers and flaggers that are at risk. Tow truck operators, landscapers and first responders deserve the same consideration.
Construction zone workers can mitigate hazards by following safety procedures and complying with set-up and take-down regulations. It is crucial for them to wear clothing that is highly visible and to report any unsafe and dangerous conditions to their superiors. In turn, motorists and big-rig drivers can prevent injuries to roadside workers by slowing down and paying attention to flaggers and traffic control devices.
Any road construction worker who has suffered a workplace injury may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The claims process can be challenging, but help is available. A British Columbia lawyer with experience in dealing with the legal and administrative dimensions of the benefits claims process can help to ensure that an injured worker maximizes their recovery of benefits under applicable workers’ compensation laws.