In the age of easily accessed and readily shared information, it should come as no surprise that things that were once considered acceptable have started raising eyebrows. Before employees could access salary information on company review sites or co-workers could communicate via instant messaging service, salary information was far more discrete.
Nowadays, issues concerning gender-based wage discrimination have been brought to the forefront and employers have been left no choice but to respond. From understanding the fundamentals of pay equity to moving towards a fair future, there is a lot to be learned and even more to be done.
What Is Pay Equity?
Pay equity is, at its core, a fundamental human right. It means that people are entitled to receive equal pay for work of equal value regardless of their gender. It also helps protect people from having their work under-valued, especially when a job has been traditionally done by a woman. Pay equity laws are handled at a federal level with provisions existing in three laws.
Employers have the obligation to ensure that there are no instances of gender-based wage discrimination within their companies. Given the rapidly changing nature of many industries, employers must be committed to continually revisiting the issue and making corrections as needed.
The Centre Of Pay Equity
Pay equity takes into account a range of factors that need to be addressed across a range of workplace issues. Performance evaluation, for instance, must be given in a way that ensures gender-neutrality. According to federal pay requirements, regardless of whether or not a job is considered to be predominantly male or female, employees of all genders who are fulfilling the role must receive the same pay.
In some instances, there may be a disparity between the wages of men and women performing comparatively similar work. As per the Equal Wages Guidelines, there are several factors which may contribute to this including seniority, performance, and regional rates of pay.