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Workplace injury: WorkSafeBC seeks to limit construction injuries

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2018 | Workplace Injuries |

Construction company owners in British Columbia who disregard the safety and health of employees in favour of maximizing profits may not realize that injured workers will adversely affect the bottom line. Instead, proactive steps can avoid instances of workplace injury while non-compliance fines under the occupational health and safety requirements laws can be prevented. To make it easier for employers to comply, WorkSafeBC recently released a three-year plan that will help company owners to limit serious occupational injuries in the construction industry.

A director of the WorkSafeBC prevention field services says the plan followed concerns about the high number of serious injuries that are suffered in the construction industry. He says the rate is significantly higher than in other sectors, and the goal is to bring about a reduction in those numbers. Accident data shows that the leading cause of fatalities among construction workers in British Columbia is exposure to asbestos while falls from heights make up most of the injuries they suffer.

The 2018-2020 Construction High Risk Strategy will not only focus on planning and supervision of employee safety and health but also proper use of equipment, tools, processes, collaboration and partnerships. These will be the aspects on which the officers of WorkSafeBC will focus when they conduct inspections at construction sites. At the same time, the inspectors will work with business owners, employers, contractors and employees to promote effective collaboration between all parties.

Employers and employees in the construction sector of British Columbia who have legal questions or issues with which they have to deal may find it comforting to know that a labour relations law firm is available to provide support and guidance. Lawyers who are experienced in all fields of employment and labour law can investigate workers’ compensation issues and analyze the facts. Any ensuing legal proceedings can then be undertaken by seasoned legal counsel.

Source:, “WorkSafeBC releases three-year construction sector injury reduction strategy“, Feb. 8, 2018



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