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Data analysis may prevent but not eliminate workplace injury

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2018 | Workplace Injuries |

Construction work sites are known hazardous areas at which employers are expected to protect the health and safety of employees. However, construction site accidents continue to occur in British Columbia, and safety authorities are looking at ways in which to change this. Almost every workplace injury can be prevented by using common sense. This is the opinion of an executive of the BC Construction Safety Alliance.

Authorities say that along with putting efficient safety systems in place and providing appropriate personal protective equipment, the gathering and analyzing of data can bring about a safety culture that may prevent many injuries and even save lives. It is suggested that workplace safety data of all the provinces and territories are combined and analyzed. Safety authorities say this could uncover risk areas, indicating where to look for causes of injuries rather than giving answers.

An additional source of more specific information can be obtained by looking at all the workers’ compensation claims of the various provincial boards that are added to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada’s national database. Industry-specific information can be obtained such as the number of falls occurring, and in which section of the construction industry falls are most prevalent. It may also provide answers to questions about the effectiveness of fall protection regulations along with other concerning issues.

While safety authorities work hard to eliminate occupational hazards, every construction worker will remain at risk of suffering a workplace injury. Although injured British Columbia workers are entitled to financial relief through the workers’ compensation system, there is no guarantee that all benefits claims will be accepted. For that reason, many victims of occupational injuries choose to seek the support and guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to navigate the claims process.

Source:, “Can data help prevent workplace injuries and death?“, Paul Caulfield, Jan. 29, 2018



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